Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Back from Break; New Year's Resolutions

I'm finally back to a semblance of a routine after being in Oregon for two weeks. It was a great trip but coming home is always refreshing, and given that it's the new year, I have a list of resolutions I'll share, and what I've already done, or not done, to accomplish them.

1) Maintain a disciplined writing schedule

I have already canceled our satellite service, and we are going to pay for an extra day of baby-sitting every week so I can have more time to myself. Do you understand the magnitude of what I just wrote. I. shut. off. the. T.V. Granted, it's a little easier since football season's almost over, and most of the shows I like I can watch online anyway. But still, that's pretty big.

2) Remember family birthdays and important occasions, and send a card. Family, please hold me accountable if a significant event passes by and you have not received at least a card.

3) Lose some weight. Probably not going to happen, but always a new year's resolution classic.

4) Be a better husband. I'm a good husband but one can always be a better husband, especially if you love your wife. I've fallen short at times last year.

5) Make this a dynamic blog that people want to read. Looking back at the last six months or so, my most commented on posts relate to popular culture and politics. My least commented on: literature. I'll work on that.

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